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Tarmlångsdalen Valley

Laxå, Örebro län


  • To do
  • Valuable nature

The long narrow lake Tarmlången has filled an old rift valley, one of the longest and most prominent in Tiveden! Here, as a visitor, you will have spectacular views of the steep mountain on the other side of the lake. Tough pine trees that can handle the sparse environment grow on the mountain and along the cliffs.

You can easily make your way along the southeast shore of the lake, and in the south you can venture off the path and follow the little steam south instead, wandering freely in the mature spruce forest. Here it is quiet, aside from the babbling of the stream, the wind in the trees and the singing of the birds. In the damp environment surrounding the stream, rustwort moss thrives on dead, rotting logs. Traces of insect larvae and birds attempts to hack them out, are all visible on the dead trees that have lost their bark. If you follow the stream you will soon reach Kyrkstigen (Church Path), which you can follow to either Sannerud or Tivedstorp.

The lake acts as a reference point making it possible to explore even the pathless part of the forest in the valley without getting lost. Although, the terrain can get a little challenging, with slopes, mounds and sharp inclines depending on where you are around the lake. Company is recommended for safety reasons!

Good walking shoes, possibly mosquito repellent. If you plan to divert from the path then company is recommended, map/compass/GPS for safety sake.

Following the path and stream is easy along flat ground. If you follow the Kyrkstigen Path toward Sunnerud, there is a steep incline. Leaving the path and exploring the terrain is more demanding and takes more forest know-how.
